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About Us

A whanau / family-owned business

Ko wai tatou

Who we are and what we do

Ora Jade is a whanau / family-owned business where we try to involve as many family members as we can whether it be simply for advice and perspective or hands on work / mahi itself. This could take many forms such as going to the Awa / river to find raw materials or a walk along the beach looking for driftwood to display our pieces on, that way even the youngest ones are participating and it’s fun.

We always strive to do the best by what we find as we only collect stone we believe to be the best quality and never take more than what we can work. This way the resource is there for those in the future and others who follow the same course.

Ora Jade gets its name from the word Ora – in Māori this word means wellbeing. This is rather ironic considering we work predominately with Nephrite a stone in ancient Greek times associated with wellness and health specifically the kidneys as in the Greek word nephro – nefro.

Te hono tahi

Joining together

Our business is not simply to make money but reviving a nearly lost tradition and cultural heritage which is very much an integral part of the Māori world, in saying that we are not closed to other cultures and ideas in fact encompassing them helps us diversify and construct a wonderful multicultural outlook. Quite often when you view the world this way you see similarities and common ground which helps to blend the art, thus never losing its ability to create wonder and a never-ending pool of ideas to draw on. How could you ever be bored right?

Te kaitoi

The artist

My name is Leon Bonney. Based in Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand, I am Chief cook and bottlewasher for our whanau business. Stated basically I do a bit of everything but primarily my forte lies within carving various stone. I am a relative new comer to jade carving having 10 years’ experience most of which was spent gathering tools and equipment, primarily self-taught although I did attend art school where I excelled in stone sculpting. This led me to what you see today.

I draw my influences from my childhood where I grew up in an area of great archaeological evidence for multiple Māori occupations along the Mataura River / Southland. A great many artifacts have been found in our district and where I lived was no different.

As a young boy I picked up many items and was fascinated by them all. My Māori Kuia / Grandma told me that the stones must speak to me which I believe is still the case, if something didn’t feel right then my Kuia always told me to leave it and wash my hands as some places and items could be very Tapu or hold Makutu, meaning sacred or cursed, and from this I have gained a lot of respect for those Taonga I still care for and use as a constant form of inspiration – I can not stress hard enough the importance of this philosophy as there are those who have chosen to ignore and sometimes ended in perilous circumstances.

Made Local

Take one of the most beautiful and iconic places in the country sprinkle it with gems stones, hidden valley rivers and golden beaches and you have Whakatū / Wairau which has been an inspiration to all people for well over a thousand years.

As a whanau business we know that in our busy lives, in this very modern world, it is hard to take the time to look at what many would see as purely asthetic. This is why we invite you to look beyond face value and understand the true nature, sybolism and relationship our culture wishes to share with you.

What our customers say...

Our Jade

Tasman / Marlborough jade for many years was a very little known secret and for a while seen as an unsubstantiated myth. But in the late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s it was thoroughly investigated and documented by Mr Russel Beck a geologist and scientist who made it his mission to record all accounts by Maori of their discovery and use of this precious commodity. The collection he compiled is now considered by the Geological Society of New Zealand as the most indepth and accurate to date and is now accessed world wide.

Artist: Leon Bonney

Based in Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand

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